My newest sock WIP. The charts are in COLOR. I love that!

We are Open

It took longer than I thought it would be we are finally open. There were delays, and then we found a huge box of yarn in storage that needed to be entered and tagged. We did it though.

I would like to introduce myself to you. I consider myself. I am a:

  • advanced knitter (I can fix most problems, decipher your pattern and teach you how to do most techniques)
  • beginning crocheter (however I can probably help you since I know how to read your pattern and recognize stitches.
  • kindergarten level spinner (I can do a little drop spindling)
  • My favorite thing to knit AND to teach are socks! There are always some on my needles and the picture is of my current WIP

I love owning a yarn store because I get to share my passion with you and I get to share your passion as well. Posting classes on the Website as I get them ready and you can also find them on our Facebook page under "Events"

I look forward to meeting you!


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